This policy applies to business that meet the following criteria.


United Kingdom (UK)


Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing|||Agribusiness|||Construction and Real Estate|||Education and Research|||Energy and Utilities|||Financial Services|||Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals|||Hospitality and Tourism|||Legal and Professional Services|||Manufacturing|||Public Sector and Non-Profits|||Retail and Consumer Goods|||Technology and Telecommunications|||Transportation and Logistics


€/$/£10 million - 50 million|||€/$/£50 million - 150 million|||€/$/£150 million - 1 billion






Wondering if the ESOS applies to you?

Take our brief assessment to determine your compliance obligations and get a roadmap for meeting the requirements.


Introduced: 2014
Effective from: Ongoing
Region(s): United Kingdom


The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory energy assessment scheme for large UK organizations. It requires qualifying businesses to carry out energy audits of their buildings, industrial processes, and transportation to identify cost-effective energy-saving measures. ESOS aims to help organizations reduce energy consumption, cut costs, and lower carbon emissions, supporting the UK’s commitment to net-zero emissions.

Criteria for compliance

Entities covered

  • UK-based large undertakings meeting one or both of the following criteria:
    • Employs 250 or more people
    • Has an annual turnover exceeding £44 million and an annual balance sheet total exceeding £38 million
  • Corporate groups qualify if at least one UK group member meets the criteria for a large undertaking

Compliance timelines

ESOS operates on four-year compliance cycles:

  • Phase 3 compliance deadline: 5 June 2024
  • Phase 4 qualification date: 31 December 2026

Routes to compliance

Participants can comply by:

Disclosure requirements

  • Organizations must calculate their total energy consumption for buildings, transport, and processes.
  • They must identify areas of significant energy consumption and ensure energy audits cover at least 95% of total energy use.
  • Energy audits must assess energy use over a 12-month period and provide recommendations for improvements.

Third-party auditing

A certified ESOS Lead Assessor must oversee the energy audits. The lead assessor’s findings, along with energy-saving opportunities, must be presented to the board and signed off by at least one company director before submission to the Environment Agency.

Penalties for non-compliance

Failure to comply with ESOS regulations can result in financial penalties ranging from £5,000 to £50,000. Organizations in breach may also be publicly named, leading to reputational damage.

Simplify your ESG audits with Greenplaces

ESOS requires independent verification of your sustainability data. Save time and reduce errors by automating data collection and generating audit-friendly reports with Greenplaces.

Request a demo to see how Greenplaces can help you breeze through ESOS audits.