Opened in 1998, Media Two is an advertising agency focused on media buying, with a specialty in digital media. Now, they are going carbon neutral with the help of Green Places. But why is an ad agency going carbon neutral? Well, for Founder and CEO Michael Hubbard it came down to wanting to do more. “It was almost like, oh my gosh why weren’t we doing this sooner, here’s an easy opportunity for us to make an impact,” said Hubbard. 

Media Two has a relatively small footprint, so they never thought what they are doing to help the environment would have a large impact. However, Hubbard sees going carbon neutral as a way to inspire other companies to follow suit. “We always kind of thought, we’re a small company, so it’s not like we can save the world,” said Hubbard, “But then you start to think, small businesses make up 55% of the US GDP. All of the sudden if one person goes carbon neutral, then another will follow, and another, and another, before you know it, we are saving the world one baby step at a time.” 

Going carbon neutral is not just a way for Media Two to make an impact. Hubbard sees this decision as a way to look after his employees. “The thing about small business is that it’s more personal, there’s no corporate structure so you end up building close relationships with employees and other small business owners. All of the sudden it’s a family and you want to be looking out for each other,” said Hubbard. 

Before working with Green Places, Media Two had been researching different ways to help the local community. So, if they are looking to help the community, what made them decide to work with Green Places? “I saw Green Places on the news and thought, this is a no-brainer, an action step. Now, this is a baby step for us, but at least it’s something that we can do immediately” said Hubbard. 

Media Two is excited to share its story with other small businesses. We are overjoyed to help them share their story and are honored to have them join our list of clients making a difference.