This policy applies to business that meet the following criteria.


United Kingdom (UK)


Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing|||Agribusiness|||Construction and Real Estate|||Education and Research|||Energy and Utilities|||Financial Services|||Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals|||Hospitality and Tourism|||Legal and Professional Services|||Manufacturing|||Public Sector and Non-Profits|||Retail and Consumer Goods|||Technology and Telecommunications|||Transportation and Logistics








Wondering if the SDR applies to you?

Take our brief assessment to determine your compliance obligations and get a roadmap for meeting the requirements.


Introduced: 2021
Effective from: Phased implementation starting from June 2024
Last modified: Q2 2024 (consultation updates)
Region(s): United Kingdom


The UK’s Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) represent a comprehensive regulatory framework designed to consolidate and enhance sustainability reporting across various sectors, including financial institutions and companies listed on UK-regulated markets.

The SDR aims to streamline sustainability-related reporting into a singular, robust framework that aligns with global standards such as the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Sustainability Disclosure Standards while addressing the unique challenges and priorities of the UK market. The SDR framework emphasizes transparency, accountability, and the prevention of greenwashing through stringent disclosure requirements.

Criteria for compliance

Entities covered

The SDR applies to all UK-listed companies, investment funds, and financial institutions regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), including investment managers, pension product providers, and distributors of investment products.

Emissions reporting

  • Sustainability focus: Assets that align with environmental or social sustainability standards.
  • Sustainability improvers: Assets that may not currently meet ESG standards but are directed toward achieving positive environmental or social impacts.
  • Sustainability impact: Assets that aim to make measurable contributions to environmental or social outcomes.

Compliance timelines

  • June 2024: Initial enforcement of regulations concerning product labels, disclosures, and marketing begins.
  • June 2025: Full implementation of detailed product-level and entity-level disclosure requirements for firms with assets under management (AUM) exceeding £50 billion.
  • December 2026: Entity-level disclosure requirements for firms with AUM exceeding £5 billion will come into force.

Disclosure requirements

Reporting mechanism

  • Companies and financial institutions must provide detailed pre-contractual and annual sustainability disclosures, including information on their sustainability objectives, performance against these objectives, and their approach to sustainability risks and opportunities.
  • Disclosures must be aligned with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations and the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards. The reports must be accessible to the public and subject to independent verification.

Third-party auditing

Independent verification of sustainability disclosures is required to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided. This process is designed to prevent greenwashing and to maintain the integrity of the financial sector’s sustainability claims.

Penalties for non-compliance

The FCA has introduced an anti-greenwashing rule that applies to all FCA-regulated firms.

Violations of the SDR, including misleading sustainability claims or failure to comply with reporting requirements, may result in significant penalties, though specific amounts are determined based on the nature and severity of the noncompliance.

Simplify your ESG audits with Greenplaces

The SDR requires independent verification of your sustainability data. Save time and reduce errors by automating data collection and generating audit-friendly reports with Greenplaces.

Request a demo to see how Greenplaces can help you breeze through SDR audits.